Saltford, Bristol
Tapestry worked as part of a multi-disciplinary team to promote a site at Saltford, near Bristol, as a suitable allocation for housing as part of the Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan ‘Call for Sites’. Working on behalf of MacTaggart and Mickel, we prepared a landscape and visual appraisal report to demonstrate how, despite being within a designated area of Greenbelt, the site was a sustainable location for new development as it was a discrete area of landscape with limited visibility from the wider area, as well as due to its proximity to existing housing and services in Saltford.
We worked closely with Clifton Emery Design, who were appointed to prepare a development framework to show how the site could be developed, to demonstrate how a high quality scheme could be sensitively delivered within the existing landscape context. The site is one under consideration as part of the ongoing development of the local plan, however despite it’s merits in Landscape and Visual terms, the location of the land within the Greenbelt means that it is seen as an outlier for allocation at the moment.
Development Framework Plan by Clifton Emery Design