Design Review
Paul chaired the Design Review Panel for the Hoxton Press Buildings in Hackney.
As a practice, we strongly believe in the importance and value of good design, and this is reflected in our involvement in a number of Design Review Panels. Founding Director Paul Reynolds is a Chair of the Hackney Urban Design Review Panel, and a member of both the D:SE and LB Islington Design Review Panels. He is also an expert advisor on Landscape and Urban Design to the Northern Ireland Ministerial Advisory Group on Architecture and the Built Environment.
We are also happy to provide support and advice to design teams who are taking their schemes to a design review panel, or to provide informal peer design reviews to projects at all stages of the design process - although we always say that the earlier the advice is provided, the more meaningful and valuable it can be in shaping a successful scheme.
“Design is not just what it looks like and how it feels. Design is how it works.”
—Steve Jobs